Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Back to youth!


You don't have to be foodie to lose health.

In case of Pavan, it was stress resulting in serious health challenges - weight gain, respiratory issues, dry eyes (xeropthalmia), muscle loss & much more.

Job in a metro city, two growing kids, health issues in family brought tremendous stress in life. Soon, Pavan started having disturbed sleep, uncontrolled emotions, worries- all leading to make him bulky and look 10 year older.

Pavan's wakeup call came during a health breakdown!

With strong desire to get back his prime health, he approached Wellness Quotient. To his surprise, he did not get strict diet plan, or gym regime but quite different approach.

Within few months, Pavan reduced from 75 kgs to 65 kgs along with better energy levels, making him look young & energetic again.

Now, he loves his 6 hours deep sleep, morning reading and seeing his teenage boys growing. He is also guiding many friends now, not just on weight loss but other health conditions.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Pavan's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta