Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Clinch it, inch by inch


Amit Saurav travelled from Patna to Bangalore in pursuit of a software career in 2012.

While he was all pumped up to work at his dream job, very soon the sedentary lifestyle started taking a toll on him. When irregular food habits were added to that, his belly started growing inch by inch.

At one point, he was at 37 inches. “ I was not at all happy with my bulging belly,” Amit sighs.

He started trying out different options to counter the growing waistline. Fad diets, workouts, etc. - but nothing seemed to work! Though his efforts bore results in short term, very soon his belly would catch up and get back to the previous size.

Amit recalls, “Around that time, I was going through a state of depression. All the ridiculing by the friends was no fun at all for me. Being a plus size was tearing my self-esteem down and I used to have a lot of sleepless nights".

When Amit met a coach from Wellness Quotient, it was almost God-sent! Among other things, the coach analyzed his lifestyle and workout regime and suggested some changes.

“There was a slow change but with my determination, there was a sure change," reflects a confident Amit.

The results started to show up. He lost half an inch in just 2 weeks and with consistency lost 4 inches in the next 45 days.

Pot belly is a thing of past now. All his friends for whom Amit was a butt of jokes earlier now admire and look up to him.

Inspired to help others in his situation, Amit took it one step further as he completed his diploma in nutrition. “Miracles do happen, the only pre-requisite is right commitment and guidance,“ says Amit, now with the confidence to take on the world.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Amit's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta