Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Fitness with a sedentary job?


When you move from college to corporate, your fitness doesn't necessarily move with you.

Not for Vasudeva at least!

An active athlete and basketball player in college, he became a victim of sedentary lifestyle and bad food habits.

But he wasn't concerned until 12 years later he had gone from 65 kgs to a whopping 100 kgs! Numerous healh issues started popping one after another.

That is when Vasudeva decided to start on a personalised program with a WQ coach. He became mindful of how to make his body fit.

Inspite of having a sitting job for 10 to 12 hours a day, with right guidance, waist reduced from 38 to 33 and weight from 92 kg to 79kg.

"Not only have I learnt a lot about the right workout routines, but have come to a stage where I am guiding some of my friends", says Vasudeva.

These days, Vasudeva has become a source of inspiration for others to become healthy!

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Vasudeva's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta