Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

The lockdown impact


Manufacturing industry with projects and travel, doesn’t that sound exciting?

But 16 years into it, Kapil Kulkarni of Navi Mumbai adds that obesity, high cholesterol levels and pangs of separation from family came as freebies.

With too many things to rectify, he stood clueless. Though earnest in intent, Kapil found that his tight work schedule did not allow any breathing time to look for help.

When Wellness Quotient came into his life, he knew he had found a savior. Lockdown came along like a blessing in disguise.

Taking advantage of the time at hand, Kapil plunged head long to work his way to good health. His wellness coach guided him to a fitness regime that soon became his habit.

His healthy and new lifestyle helped him lose 11 kilos and get his cholesterol figures right. Along the way, he also got vital parameters in place.

He lost inches around the key parts that made his body age move from 65 to 56, body fat went down from 36.1 to 28, visceral fat from 22.2 to 16.5 and nothing could stop him from looking younger, smarter and energetic.

So, the lockdown did have some positive impact and Kapil Kulkarni is an example. “I cannot thank WQ enough for adding life to my life” says a smiling Kapil.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Kapil's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta